Driving in Ireland is like being shot to the moon using a giant slingshot during a meteor shower, pure misery, weird cars and you are driving so fast down little and I mean little road that has so many turns and twists that you instantly get car sick blah! It's fine we wer heading to the cliffs of Moher and I herd from countless people how incredible they are so of course I was so excited! We had a cute
Little picnic outside of the cliffs and then we were off! The cliffs they are spectacular,

Amazing and there just so happened to be a castle there as well, so Ashley Jade and I of course went in and up! A
So great, when we went to the other side however this is what I found 

After the cliffs we headed on our way to the mountains, but not before touching the Irish sea one last time before we were on our way.
After more stressful driving through some of the most beautiful country I have ever seen we arrived at our bed and breakfast in the mountains with ruins of old castles and beautiful greenery all around us it was an incredible sight!
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