

Why so awkward?

I don't think that anyone holds the award for Most Awkward better than I do. I don't try to be, it just seems as though I was gifted with a series of unfortunate characteristics that all compile to form the epitome of an awkward persona. A few examples;
I run into a guy I think is quite awesome at Walmart (ugh Walmart as previously mentioned not my place to shine). How do I respond? With some mumbled words, a head down, and awkward moon walking back to my car. The awkward moon walk is not a metaphor, it really happened.
I have my first no commitment random make out with a guy. He turns out to be a stalker. Wont make that mistake ever again. I am not the random make out type I guess.
How about the time when I forgot my name? Ya that happened.
But here is the thing. That's not me! I am  outgoing, intelligent, and pretty damn funny if I do say so myself. But why when I get around a member of the opposite sex that I am attracted to do I turn into a babbling lunatic?
So what is it? what is it that makes, some women capable of walking into a room of complete strangers and being just themselves? Or talk to a guy that they think is "quite awesome" and not forget their own name, or the fact that moon walking is not a good way to exit a scene? I have had many a conversations with many a girl who will tell you something like “when I walk into a room I have no doubt that he wants me." WHAT! you have no doubt? Really? my goodness. How do I get to that point?
So I decided to set a challenge for myself. I am going to be me. At all times, in all things, in all places. Little bit of the young women's theme up in here. I don't really have a plan or anything, but it is time I go for the gold in my life. Join me if you will! There will be no awkwardness or doubt that comes from me at all. So here it goes. I will report back on how everything turns out over the next few days. Wish me luck!
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