

Madrid part 1

Ok here it is the story everyone has been waiting for. My adventures in the Madrid emergency room... We flew into Madrid on Friday night. We took a taxi to our hotel, and upon being dropped off we realized the streets were lined with prostitutes. Ok. So we make it to our hotel and the view is beautiful! Saturday we walked around and then went to the Spanish castle wow it was huge. Simply amazing I loved it so much! We walked around the streets and sat down for awhile. Jade and Todd left for a walk and Ashley and I were just sitting there when all of a sudden my eye started to itch and burn. I turned to Ashley and asked her if there was something on my eye. Her reply ...
"O my gosh girl your eye is swelling up so fast! You need to run to the bathroom run!" That's a direct quote now add in her laughter as she is saying it. So obviously I take off to the bathroom. The whole time thinking I am going to look like hitch. I was not disappointed, I did. My eye had this huge bubble under it! I put my sunglasses on and ran to Ashley 
"We need to go to the pharmacia now! Lets go." 
Ashley laughing "do you want to finish your fries first."
Me pissed off "I am having a severe allergic reaction, we need to go now!" In my head I am thinking you have an asthmatic severe peanut allergy boyfriend you should be handling this better. So we go to the pharmacia. It's closed! In Spain they close things from like 2 until 5. It was pretty annoying at that moment. So we go to the next one also closed. Me not pleased. We finally find one and I walk in ask if they have anything for allergic reactions. Pull down my sunglasses, and these women start talking very quickly in Spanish. That was not comforting. So they disappear into the back for like 5 minutes and come back out with this cream (all I wanted was Benadryl) . So I put it on and it goes down a bit it was great. That was our first da in Spain. 
Day 2
The next morning my eye had gone down inside but more had swollen so I put my cream on and we went to the market. I got really cool pants!! The market is soo cool! There are just tons of shops on all the streets in the neighborhood area! So great! We walked around for hours and hours it was my favorite thing in Spain! We were so exhausted we went back to the hostel to take a nap. Next thing I know I am waking up Ashley is gone and my eye feels really funny. I look in the mirror and my actual eyeball has swollen quite large it is distorting my vision and is uncomfortable. I have included a diagram below
I walked down the hall tears filling my eyes. Todd is working in the lobby. I just stand there more tears in my eye he looks up I say there is something wrong with my eye. He takes one look at me and jumps up next thing I know we are out the door. We cross the street to the pharmacia and they take one look at me and go you need to take her to the hospital. Next thing I know we are in a cab on our way to the emergency room. I won't lie I was not a brave soldier at that moment I was crying a bit. We get there and it is just a hot mess. They won't do this and this, and blah blah. Not to mention it looks like the hospital has not been cleaned or updated since the mid 80's. socialized medicine I tell you America we need to fight. The whole thing was just a lot of waiting, then maybe 5 minutes max with the doctor (in a room with 5 other patients seeing doctors) I walk out of there hundreds of dollars poorer with eye drops for both an allergy and infection just in case. Pshh at least it was better thank goodness!

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