

Catch Up: The Canaries

So it has been awhile since I have said anything. I am going to post a few quick catch up posts. We were sick. Really sick for about a week while we were here in the canaries, it's a bug or something that is going around. Everyone said it was because we were irresponsible, and didn't take care of  ourselves, then proceeded to tell us how sick they were last week or how sick their kids were pshh. Anyways.... so we just took it easy, plus the weather was rainy so that made it difficult, but we still had fun. We walked around the city exploring, did a lot of shopping, saved someone, you know the usual. Ashley and I went out and were taking pictures and exploring it was a usual day. I had stopped to take a photo when Ashley's head pops around the corner and says Megan (in a weird voice). So I walk around the corner and this old woman in a bathrobe and curlers has her hand firmly gripped around Ashley's wrist and is pulling her inside of this building. The woman is speaking Spanish so fast I can't pick up on one word she is saying. So we went in. We are being cautious walking slow, when Ashley rounds a corner and goes Megan hurry. So I run around the corner and an even older woman had fallen out of her wheelchair! Thank goodness for those CNA classes. I get over there and make sure she is ok and that nothing is broken, then put her in bed. The women were so grateful speaking fast Spanish and thanking us. They were sisters and the one that had fallen was 91 years old and her sister was 80 something it was crazy! They spent the next half hour showing us old photos of late husbands and what they looked like when they were young. All of this in Spanish. Then we left. When we got out in the street Ashley and I just kind of looked at each other like...what just happened? It was a crazy experience! 

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