Ok let me set the scene for what could have been ranked in the top 5 scariest moments of my life... It's almost 3 am I am dead asleep on my air matress which is nestled in between the two beds snugly, one bed is almost directly in front of the door and the other is over by the window. Before going to bed I was listening to a book. The book has some scary parts in it. I was asleep at this scary part, but still listening to it when all of a sudden someone hisses my name! I was jolted awake in sheer terror to find ashley her face a foot from mine.
"jade is going to sleep in my dads room, you sleep in the bed"
"you just gave me a freaking heart attack!"
"I know it was so funny I have never seen you jump like that (oh just wait)! That's what happened to me on the beach earlier, take jades bed."
Me *grumble grumble... "there is stuff on it"
"move it"
I proceed to move the stuff to the floor keeping in mind I am half asleep, it is pitch dark, I don't even know what is really happening here. After I lay down and realize there is a blasted skateboard under my head I am just in a sleeping state of anger at that point. I lay back down and just as my head hits the pillow the door to our bedroom creaks open. I AM ON THE BED DIRECTLY IN FRONT OF THE DOOR!
Ashley "jade?"
Me *significantly louder* "jade?!?!?"
Ashley "turn on the light"
Me "it's right by the door, no!"
Ashley "just turn on the light!"
Me "I am not going to turn on the light! Did you lock the front door?"
Ashley "ya I did I locked it with the key."
The door creaks open even more. It is at that point that I am just purely scared. I rolled off of the bed onto the safety of my air mattress right next to shleys bed clutching a pillow. I don't know why I said this out loud if there is someone outside our door I invited them to have free reign basically when I said "we don't have any means to contact anyone that could help us Ashley, no phones we don't even know what the number for 911 is over here," (its not 911) "we are going to die!" I am ashamed to say there may have been a few tears. Ashley says "oh my goodness you are right!" it is at that moment the door SLAMS! I had some sort of seizure where I tried to push myself through the frame of Ashley's bed to get even further from the door. All while clutching my pillow! It is now that I am even more ashamed I was straight up bawling into that pillow. Ashley goes "the window is open, that's why the door slammed. Are you crying?"
Me "yes I am crying! I was woken from the dead of sleep, and now doors are slamming! Yes I am crying!"
We did a quick run through of the house to make sure everything was closed and locked. And returned to bed. I was not a happy camper. I layed there thinking to myself I was right in front of the door and Ashley wouldn't let me close it. She is mean. Anyways the whole ordeal taught me that will not survive an attack at night, I will just be an emotional wreck in a ball holding a pillow crying.